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Autore Titolo Note
SÀNCHEZ GRAELLS, Albert Public Procurement and the EU Competition Rules Hart Publishing, 2011
DORREGO de CARLOS Alberto, MARTINEZ VAZQUEZ Francisco, VILLARINO MARZO Jorge La colaboración público-privada en la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público : aspectos administrativos y financieros / directores 2009, Las Rozas (Madrid), La Ley
AA. VV. Public-private partnerships: delivering for the European transport network Luxembourg: European Communities, 2009
OMC-PTP Public Procurement as a Strategic Innovation Policy Mix Instrument 2009, on the web site
MORENO MOLINA, José Antonio La nueva ley española de contratos del sector publico In Riv. It. Dir. Pubbl. Com., 2008, 5, 1123 e ss.
ELSNER, Bernt BVergG 2006. Das neue Vergaberecht 2006 idF der BVergG-Novelle 2007 [Commentario breve alla legge austriaca] Manz, Wien, 2008
BOVIS, Christopher EU public procurement law Elgar, 2007
GOLLES, Hans Zusätzliche Bauleistungen - aus vergabe- und bauvertragsrechtlicher Sicht ZVB 2007/20
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a cura di prof. Gian Antonio Benacchio e dott. Michele Cozzio